Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Why should I sealcoat my asphalt?

A: Sealcoating provides a protective barrier against UV rays, water, and chemicals, extending the life of your asphalt and maintaining its appearance.

Q: How often should I sealcoat my driveway or parking lot?

A: It is recommended to sealcoat your asphalt every 2-3 years, depending on the level of traffic and environmental conditions.

Q: How long does the sealcoating process take?

A: The process typically takes 24-48 hours to complete, including drying time. Weather conditions may affect the drying time.

Q: Can sealcoating fix cracks in the asphalt?

A: While sealcoating helps protect the surface, it is not a solution for existing cracks. Cracks should be filled prior to sealcoating for the best results.

Crack Filling

Q: What is the purpose of crack filling?

A: Crack filling prevents water and debris from infiltrating and damaging the asphalt, which helps to extend the life of your pavement.

Q: How is crack filling performed?

A: Cracks are cleaned with high-pressure air and wire wheels, then filled with a high-quality crack filler to ensure proper adhesion and sealing.

Q: When is the best time to fill cracks in asphalt?

A: Crack filling is best performed in moderate temperatures, typically in the spring or fall, to ensure the best adhesion and effectiveness.

Q: How long does crack filling last?

A: Properly filled cracks can last several years, depending on traffic and weather conditions. Regular maintenance is recommended.

Infrared (IR) Heat Patching

Q: What is Infrared (IR) heat patching?

A: Infrared heat patching is a method of asphalt repair that uses infrared technology to heat and soften the existing asphalt, allowing it to be seamlessly blended with new asphalt.

Q: What are the benefits of IR heat patching?

A: IR heat patching provides a seamless repair, reduces material waste, and is more cost-effective and environmentally friendly compared to traditional patching methods.

Q: How long does an IR heat patch last?

A: IR heat patches can last as long as the surrounding asphalt if properly maintained. The longevity depends on traffic and environmental conditions.

Q: Can IR heat patching be done in cold weather?

A: Yes, IR heat patching can be performed in colder weather, making it a versatile option for year-round asphalt repair.

Q: How quickly can the area be used after an IR heat patch?

A: The patched area can typically be used within 30 minutes to an hour after the repair, depending on the size of the patch and ambient temperature.

Q: Is IR heat patching suitable for all types of asphalt damage?

A: IR heat patching is ideal for repairing potholes, surface cracks, and other localized damage, but it may not be suitable for extensive structural issues.